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How to Get Connected

Learn how you can get involved in the life of the church community and invite a friend to church this weekend! Visit our online church hub for all the information you need to get plugged in!

Build community by joining a community group

Community Groups are the lifeline of our fellowship in Redemption Hill Church. We gather together to build relationships, to study the Bible, to worship and pray, and to encourage each other in our walk with the Lord.

Our Community Groups feature four different meetings each month:

  • Family Night – This gathering is for the whole family. We usually gather around dinner to laugh and catch up and enjoy time together.
  • Fellowship Night – This night is for the adults of each group to study God’s Word, pray, worship, and encourage each other toward the Lord.
  • Men’s Meeting – This meeting is for the men of the group to study the Bible and provide accountability, fellowship, and prayer to each other.
  • Women’s Meeting – This meeting is for the women of the group to study the Bible and provide accountability, fellowship, and prayer to each other.

Youth and Parents

Redemption Hill is dedicated to teaching teens the gospel of Jesus Christ, in a context that cultivates the relationship between youth (ages 12-18) and their parents. During the spring and fall, we regularly gather on 4th Saturdays of the month from 6:30-8:30 for some fellowship, worship, and teaching from God’s Word. For more information please visit the Online Church Hub.

Young Adults

Advance is a ministry for young adults (18-30) focused on growth in relationship with Christ. It is not a replacement for community groups, but is an opportunity for the young adults to gather together and study specific topics and passages aimed at propelling them forward in spiritual growth. Advance will regularly gather on the 2nd Friday of every month, with additional activities (service projects, game nights, etc.) throughout the month.

The Bridge Course

Explore the Christian faith in a relaxed environment over the course of 10 weeks. Our time together begins with free breakfast and a casual time to get to know one another. Listen, learn, discuss, and discover. Ask anything. This is a safe context led by people just like you where no question is out of bounds and no one will make you say or believe anything. Who is it for? It is for everyone, especially:

  • Anyone with doubts about Christianity
  • Anyone wanting to investigate the Christian faith
  • New Christians
  • Newcomers to the church
  •  Anyone who wants to “brush up” on the basics


Find a place where you can serve the church and our community.

Sunday Morning Teams

Sunday services have a lot of moving parts and require many members of the church to serve. Ranging from public platforms to behind the scenes, there is a way for everyone to serve on Sunday mornings.

Ministry Teams

Ministry Teams provide a wonderful way for us to serve alongside others as we meet the needs of the church. While some of the ministries may require a certain skill or gifting, the vast majority of ministry opportunities are open to anyone. You will find people of all backgrounds and stages of life serving together in meaningful ways.

Explore Redemption Hill Church

What’s your next step? Learn more, start planning my visit, or get directions!

Read Our Beliefs

What we believe about the Bible instructs everything that we value.

Meet the Leadership

Get to know the people who have the God-ordained privilege to lead Redemption Hill.

Plan Your Visit

Take the next step by learning what you can expect on a Sunday morning.