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Our mission and our values demonstrate who we are and flow from what we believe.
Our Mission
Under the Authority of God’s Word
We want to be a church that actively and intentionally emphasizes the life-giving authority of God’s Word. Our beliefs and practices will be grounded in Scripture and our heartbeat will be to read, hear, and proclaim Biblical truth
By the Power of the Spirit
We want to be a church that is desperately and confidently dependant on the power of the Holy Spirit for all that we do. Christians and churches are not intended by the Lord to be self-sufficient. We will delight in his promises of Spiritual strength to carry us onward in the calling he has given us.
A Gospel-Centered Church
We believe that the good news of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection is the center of the Bible’s message and should be the priority in our church’s identity. The gospel is the good news that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, lived a perfect life and died in our place to save us from God’s judgment and unite us to himself for eternity.
Our Core Values
The core values of any organization’s members reflect who they are and what they believe. At Redemption Hill Church, we share common core values with the churches of Sovereign Grace Churches.
At the heart of all sound doctrine is the cross of Jesus Christ and the infinite privilege that redeemed sinners have of glorifying God because of what he has accomplished. Therefore, we want all that takes place in our church, ministries, and hearts to proceed from and be related to the cross.
Grounded in the Scriptures
We are a church that actively and intentionally emphasizes the life-giving authority of God’s Word. Our beliefs and practices are grounded in Scripture and our heartbeat is to read, hear, and proclaim Biblical truth.
In addition to effecting regeneration and sanctification, the Holy Spirit empowers believers for Christian witness and service. All the gifts of the Holy Spirit at work in the church of the first-century are available today, are vital for the mission of the church, and are to be earnestly desired and practiced.
God's Word is clear that his desire is for all people to be saved and that his method is to use his people to accomplish his mission. Our church zealously equips and sends out our members to witness to the glory of God through the gospel of Jesus Christ.
While all genuine Christians believe that one can be saved only through the gospel, sincere believers differ on their understanding of God’s part and man’s part in that saving act. We understand salvation from the historic Reformed perspective, which places the emphasis on the activity of God and the glory of God in saving sinners.
"Complementarian” is a sort of theological shorthand for the view that God created men and women equal in personhood, value, and dignity, but different in certain roles and functions in both the home and the church.
Investing in the future
Our Generations Project is about investing in people and generations beyond us through the provision of a physical home for Redemption Hill. Read about the future home of our church.

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